The quality management system helps improve the service structure from within, analyze requests from the target audience and achieve objective outcomes.
The preparatory stage of the work assumes an assessment of the actual state of affairs in the company and the choice of the development pathway. At basic stage systems for the analysis and collection of data are embedded in the structure, processes that have been launched and formulated and maximum work efficiency is achieved.
Systems quality management is provided through specific tools:
Online accounting and continuous monitoring of all stages of repair works
Development and introduction of standards, monitoring their performance
Casework with contractors, situational analysis and provision of specific guidance to improve processes.
Additional opportunities
A system of registration and step-by-step monitoring of repair works with uploading of daily reports. This prevents any disruption of standards and is suitable for data analysis.
Online monitoring
Visual display of outcomes of the work of the service center
Data consolidation in a single system opens up access to general accounting and helps streamline control of the network's operation